Generosity is all around us. It shows up in simple acts of kindness; in giving time, talent, treasure and testimony; in connecting with community. But we don’t always notice generosity when it happens. Our brand campaign is a reminder to take a second look and that generosity is abundant. Our job was just to highlight it.

When generosity is the main character.
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    How do you make sure your film has repeat views? You force people to watch it again.

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    We picked 3 settings for our films - a cricket match, 
a busy crossing, and a taxi in font of a house. Watch the films.

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    We don’t believe awards are the only way to feel good about our work. But we were happy to receive a gong all the way from the jury at Russia.


The last Tuesday of November is known as GivingTuesday. The entire world celebrates generosity and how it manifests in different ways, and why it is such a powerful force for good, especially in turbulent times. People demonstrate generosity in many ways on GivingTuesday. Whether it’s helping out a neighbour or stranger, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving to causes we care about, every act of generosity counts. GivingTuesday has raised billions of dollars for critical causes around the world and gets 21 billion impressions on social media from people and organizations speaking up for the causes that matter to them and encouraging others to get involved in their communities.
We’ve learned that generosity is all around us. It shows up in simple acts of kindness; in giving time, talent, treasure and testimony; in connecting with community. But we don’t always notice generosity when it happens. Our brand new films are a reminder to take a second look and see that generosity is abundant.
And when you spot it, make sure to #HighlightEveryActOfGenerosity. 
The series of films plays mundane, everyday clips from all around us. People walking to work, taking metros, flights and buses, dropping kids to school, taking loved ones to hospitals, rushing for weddings. The clip plays, and then it is played again. Except the second time people are primed to look for acts of generosity. Some find one, some more than one. And each film makes a point that generosity is so common, it’s often missed.
During the making of the films, the magic moment happened one night, when the director, Buddy (Bauddhayan Mukherji) called and shared an idea that elevated the whole idea: use sound design to tell the story.
Emmanuel Upputuru, Ranjan Nautiyal, Adithyan Shibu, Joyce Shepherd, Gaurav Nautiyal, Abhishek Sinha, Bauddhayan Mukherji, Akansha Khanna, with Priyanka Dutta, Kavitha Matthew